
Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'd Better Not See Alaska From My House

What I'm Listening To: The Rent is Too Damn High Speech

From the drumbeats outside my lovely abode on State Street; to the tumultuous school closings both at the grade school, high school, and university level; to the thousands of protesters young and old clogging the streets; to CNN, BBC, MSNBC and countless others making the fight to “kill the bill” a national and international issue–it’s been an interesting week for Madison, WI.

I’m utterly exhausted from it. And it’s only going to get worse because Madison, Wis. is about to go from having Jesse Jackson to… Sarah Palin??? From my discourse, it should be unequivocally clear that I am a Democrat and proud of it. Frankly, I can’t stand being in the same country much less the same city as the gun-toting, brash governor of Alaska who is taking it upon herself to tell union people that unions are taking advantage of them. Some are comparing this struggle to Egypt; I wouldn’t go so far as to do that.
To try to explain the situation in non-biased manner, I think that it isn’t wrong to attempt to fix spending because WI is in debt. It’s a perfectly legitimate concern. I can even understand some of the measures proposed, except when it comes to collective bargaining. I’m sure that the 40,000 people that traveled from all over the state of Wis. are upset about that hitch in the bill as well.

To be honest, I’m getting to the point where I am unconcerned. I don’t care that this is making national news and international news, I simply want things to get back to normal so that I don’t have to fight through mountains of people to get to class, where I go to hopefully get a degree from this university, and so that I don’t have to be concerned about my future. People are becoming frantic and when this bill passes on Tuesday, it’s only going to get worse. More unrest will come, and none of the press, good or bad, will end up being good.

Oh, and if you would like to read through the 144 pg bill to understand what this post is even referring to, if you haven’t been tuned into the news lately, be my guest.