What I'm Listening To: Dream Within A Dream-Hans Zimmer (Inception Soundtrack)
It's chilly, so I made chili. In a crockpot. I could have made it in a pot or saucepan but I was feeling amazingly lazy today. Luckily, the end result was delicious. I seriously need to utilize my crockpot more and make meals that literally make themselves. I turned it on and left it and came back and it was done. I find myself needing that or needing meals that I can make in thirty minutes or less. Too often I come home exhausted and order something because cooking seems like a quest for the golden fleece. If I didn't have my roommate Claire to cook for, meaning, if I weren't consciously responsible for the life of another human being, I honestly don't know what I would be eating.
And eating is the leading cause for the detriment of my bank account. When I look at it, the money hasn't gone to clothes, things, or even necessities, it is spent on food and groceries. The sad part is that eating is so intrinsic to society that instead of finding different places to meet, people most often turn to restaurants for their outings, meetings, what-have-you. When a friend and I go out, we don't go to the lake, we don't go to the library, or the mall, we go to eat. I remember when I was in junior high and the big thing was to get permission to go hang out at the mall and basically window shop with the girlfriends. Now this is translated into let's go somewhere and eat something so that we can talk over that. In a way, eating minimizes conversation unless you really are concentrating on the other person. Maybe my perspective on this is different because I'm a college student and many of us feel perpetually broke, but I think that most of the time, people are trying the get what they need to live and then the rest, unless their view on what is necessary and what is want is completely skewed.