I've needed a hiatus to finish college at UW-Madison, finish my new book Forbidden Fruit (which I plan to self-publish in the fall if an agent still isn't interested), develop a marketing plan and finish designing the cover for said book, finish the website and illustrations for Forbidden Fruit, find a job after aforementioned graduation, exercise my extrovert muscles and spend time with friends and family, and finally to relax. Blogging became draining on top of that. But never fear, I have a boatload of new ideas, new places for Waldo Wednesday, and new blog series I'd like to do. Plus if you really miss me, you can find me at The Week in Review blog over at Hennens Observer. I'm excited to continue working with them.
And just because I love Bucky Badger, here are some pictures of that great day to tide you over until next time:

Remember, come visit me at The Week in Review for Movie Mondays (writer style) and more, plus stay tuned for more updates about Forbidden Fruit.