
Monday, August 2, 2010

Let Your Shoulder Lean to Elephants or Donkeys? (Politics)

What I'm Listening To: Shoulder Lean by Young Dro ft. T.I.

"The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything"- Isabel Allende

I have a confession to make: I do not really follow politics or current events. Furthermore, the fact that half the time I don't know what's going on is simply appalling (health care, what? just kidding, it's not that bad....sort of...) It's not that I'm not interested in what is going on around me, it is just the fact that if I have to add one more thing to my 7:30am-2:00am day, I would really be nocturnal and less functional than usual. I catch the major points, like if something is truly catastrophic (how about that oil spill?) or if I just happen to catch the national or local news one night.

I'm a donkey. And there are all sorts of awesome reasons why: or the difference:

1) Donkeys look better than elephants
2) In a fight, the donkey would win because the elephant would tire itself out and die
3) Donkeys are more conscious of citizen needs
4) Elephants are too uptight. That's why they get old and wrinkly so fast.
5) A donkey could be a noble steed, but if you fell off of an elephant, you might break something
6) Donkeys forgive and forget. Elephants hold grudges and remember every last single thing.
7) Elephants are expensive dates. Just imagine how many tons you'd have to feed that thing! (can we say high maintenance?)
8) Donkeys aren't clingy. Elephants are all about the babies and the mating and super territorial.
9) You wouldn't have to lie to a donkey. If an elephant asked you if it were fat, I hope you wouldn't tell it the truth unless you want to be crushed or skewered with an ivory tusk.
10) Donkeys don't have weird, creepy appendages like trunks or huge dumbo ears. They are compact and you don't have to be embarrassed to take them anywhere

In all seriousness, yes I am democratically inclined, however, if a Republican has a good idea, I'm not going to knock it just because it happens from a Republican. I tend to vote more with ideas rather than parties, although I do claim the Democrats.  So essentially, on Thursdays, starting this Thursday, I'm going to blog about politics/current events. It will help me to be more involved, and hopefully crack you up at my ineptness in my forays into the political world (don't laugh too hard though). I am going to attempt to be neutral, but because of this post, you already know that my shoulder lean goes left.