
Saturday, August 28, 2010

12 Games for People Under 20 (or not)

What I'm Listening To: Glorious-Andreas Johnson (also known as the sped up end theme for The Proposal and Nutella commercials in England)

Today was the inservice for my job, mainly an event where the returning staff meets all the new hires (we are excited about our newbies). My bosses decided to taken us to a park ten minutes away from Madison and have us wear "team" colors. Mine was green. As soon as I rolled out of bed this morning, something was wrong. First of all, I was supposed to be on the bus by 9:15 and it was 9:30. Secondly, I was woken up by someone calling me on my cell phone, which happened to be one of my bosses and who happened to tell me that everyone was waiting on ME to leave. Big uh-oh. Luckily, one of my work sites where the buses happened to be leaving from is close to my new apartment so I told them I would be there in ten minutes. The day was basically filled with tons of games, and most of our staff is in their early twenties. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun day and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but in a different set of people, the energy might have turned the tide of the games another way. We played:

1. water balloon toss
2. run with an egg on a spoon
3. leap frog over your team members until got everyone to the finish line and back
4. a three-legged race
5. skits
6. designing clothes out of newspaper (they turned out really good)
7. a tag-your-it type of game and saving the dead people by carrying them (with two other people) to a hoola hoop
8. blind-fold someone and lead them around to throw balls at other people who are leading other people
9. rock paper scissors and the winner gets the loser(s) to cheer them on against other people
10. making up song lyrics based on our job to popular songs (mine happened to be Madison's "On Wisconsin" song (the amazing remixed version)
11. cat and mouse-all of us holding a parachute with one person kneeling and crawling around on top trying to pounce on the person crawling around under the parachute.
12. a game where everyone was lined up in a circle and you had to ask a question to the person on your right without hesitation until everyone went and any person who laughed or hesitated was out.

Needless to say, I there was a lot of running around and I think that some of these games shouldn't be played after age 25, but I could be wrong. My team got second place, and would have gotten first because we completely dominated, except that in the three-legged race the guys didn't tie their hankie tight enough around their ankles and it came undone.But now I have bites, scratches, bruises and non-existent sweat (because I for real showered ASAP)  from the day. But it was worth it!

And this is random, but if you really like The Proposal or Ryan Reynolds, Betty White, and Sandra Bullock watch this because it's HILARIOUS.