What I'm Listening To: Us-Regina Spektor
In the midst of karate lessons and just plain life, I finally have a brief chance to sit down and blog. President Barack Obama is coming to the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Tuesday and I'm going to get a chance to hear him speak. It's a great moment for the University, regardless of anyone's political affiliations. I am definitely psyched, although miffed about the place where they decided to have him speak. It's ridiculous. Let's have our president on campus and put him in the worst place possible. Absolutely ridiculous. The main point of interest is that he's probably going to be talking about Russ Feingold's campaign and giving him some support. I personally don't even care what he's talking about just as long as he's coming.
You all already know my views on Republicans and Democrats (if you don't see this post), but with the election primaries already having passed, the political world is in a blur. I don't even want to try and unravel everything that went on. However, when reading the New York Times the other day, I thought that there were some interesting articles about September 11th. I know it's a week later, but it's interesting to think about how much emotion and energy that day produces. There is talk about a mosque being built on or near Ground Zero and people are having a fit. I think that is ridiculous and intolerant. One article states that there was actually a prayer room in the the Twin Towers where many Muslims went to pray and worship when the towers went down. There's even some nut job pastor in Gainesville, Florida talking about having a national 'Burn a Koran day' and spreading hate (his 15 minutes of fame need to be OVER). This does nothing for our troops and even worsens the situation over there, only escalating the violence. Muslims were victims of that tragedy as well and it's time that people recognized that and focused on moving forward instead of pulling people behind and engaging in discriminatory activities.
In other news, my new website is almost done and work on the book is going really well, on schedule to be finished in December as planned. But honestly, for the rest of this week I'm going to be on a President buzz so check back for updates on that.