What I'm Listening To: Teach Me How to Bucky-Zooniversity
DISCLAIMER: This will be a very short but biased blog post.
Amidst the mass parade of midterms and midterm papers that I have to write, I felt as though I needed to take a moment and digress from all of the Homecoming pride from this weekend (which I did not partake of because I wouldn't have seen my family from now until kingdom come). Basically, I love my college mascot. Bucky. He just reeks awesomeness, so much so that there is an entire documentary dedicated to how much effort and pride goes into being a Bucky. I've almost been at UW-Madison for three years and had been dying to get a picture with him, but our paths never crossed. Until this year.
There are multiple pictures of this love fest, but I decided to spare you from my obsession. This year, our Bucky showed his stuff in not one, but two music videos in which he dances. Very well in the short one may I add. I was also surprised at the video quality of the full length music video, but it turned out to be very good. Some people commented about the lack of diversity in the video, but technically the original version (Teach Me How to Dougie) is one sided as well so I say just enjoy it for what it is. It wasn't meant to be representative, just funny.Click here for the short version and here for the longer version, which are completely different from each other. Seriously watch at least one.
All right now that you've been bedazzled by our Bucky badger, you have to give him some brownie points. If not, well I did tell you that this was going to be a biased post. He has completely bewitched me and I am completely all right with that because it only fuels the notion that I will always have that Badger pride. On Wisconsin!
And now hopefully some of that Badger pride/energy will spill over into my midterm line-up through this week/next week...