What is up bloggerverse? Bloggosphere? I have dearly missed you all. It is officially 1/1/11 and before I begin, I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! I have had a great and busy year. I've joined a sorority, Kappa Delta Chi. I'm so proud to be a penguin and it is seriously awesome to be a part of a sorority that does so much good for the community. You'll probably be hearing a lot about that sooner or later.
So this is usually the time when people start to make New Year's Resolutions for the year. I think that this is interesting. Resolutions are when you resolve to do something, but you can either do it or not do it which is why I think so many people end up failing in their resolutions. The definition for resolution is
- a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
-the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
-the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
-the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.
(per dictionary.com)
So people are determining a course of action, realizing that there is something that they can do something to fix their problem or predicament, but not actually developing a motive or reason for completing that plan of action. Which is why many reolutions fail.
Goals, on the other hand, are a little bit more permanent. Usually, people set goals with an intent to acheieve them because a goal is evidenced by something that is already desired by the individual, which is in fact why they make the goal. All of this is basically why I think goals are better than resolutions, but that isn't to say that resolutions are bad. It's good to have them, it's just funny to me because many people don't keep them. Solution: make a life plan and stick with it. You'll have a better time.
Miscellaneous: My sister got Inception for Christmas yesterday, and I have watched it at least twice. And Forbidden Fruit is ALMOST done, I can't wait for the day (in the near future) that I can come on here and tell you that it's finally done!